Why is Tamraya Fasting?

Why am I fasting? Simply, I am on a spiritual journey. As cliche as that sounds, I cannot think of a better phrase to explain this moment in my life. It all began a few years back when I took time off from naturopathic medical school for the promise of an adventure in a foreign land. Well--not exactly a foreign land, but rather the country in which my parents were raised; and coincidently, my new husband. It was only supposed to be a six month expedition. However, the six months turned into almost two years, a new found appreciation for the simple things in life, and a new baby.
I spent the first year in almost a state of stupor. I found myself with a lot of time on my hands, pregnant, and alone most days due to my husband's business travels. I can truly say I was sick of my own company. Honestly, How much time does one really need to spend in a state of personal discovery? For me, one year was definitely too much. By the end of the year I was extremely aware of my flaws and idiosyncrases (I was just hoping my husband was not as aware). I could truly say it was one of the hardest years of my life. I could also say, although not knowing this at the time, it was the beginning of my spiritual journey.
Today, two years later, I feel that I am ready to embark on a new phase in my journey. After extensive research (which I will gladly share in the days to come) about the health benefits of fasting, and after compiling many ahadith (narrations of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) about the desired days of fasting; I came to the conclusion that to expedite my spiritual discovery I must fast. Fasting for Muslims, is abstaining from food, drink, and other indulgences from dawn to dusk. In doing so, one is detached from his basic desires, and his heart is more pure and ready for enlightenment. I am not pushing my luck and setting my sight on enlightenment. I just want to be a better person, a better citizen, a better wife, a better mother, and simply, a person who can enjoy her own company.

Days of Fasting

Monday, January 4, 2010

Zero-nourishment = Food?

Day one. Feeling great. I find myself asking “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”, but then I remind myself that Allah (swt) starts a person on a specific path at a specific time in a person's life. Alhamdulillah, for me, that time is now. I began today by having suhur (predawn meal) according to what the prophet (pbuh) said, "Eat Suhur. Surely, there is a blessing in Suhur.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. This hadith makes me realize the mercy of the prophet (pbuh). The prophet made it sunnah for us to eat before our fast, subhanallah! He could have not even mentioned the pre-dawn meal thus no one would be encouraged to get up before fajr and nourish themselves. But because the prophet (pbuh) wishes to make things easier on us, he stressed the importance of suhur. Wow, the enlightenment has begun :) .

Actually if we are speaking of enlightenment, last night, my husband said something that was surprisingly enlightening. Not surprising because it was enlightening, but rather because it made me think that living in this country has really twisted our image of food and nourishment. While eating out last night, I quickly grabbed drinks not knowing that they were diet drinks. After we both had finished our meals, my husband looked at the can and said, “This is diet? That means basically it was a waste, I got no calories out of this?” That comment stuck with me throughout the night. Advertisers and food corporations have made us believe that we do want food with zero calories. Doesn’t that seem like an oxymoron to you? However, we now just want to stuff our faces (for lack of a better term) for the purpose of stuffing our faces. What happened to the idea of food as being a nourishing and healing aspect in our lives? Now, we just want to eat and have it nullified. We need to start looking at food in the way that the prophet (pbuh) looked at food. In the book, Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (pbuh), by Ibn Al-Qayyim, It is very clear in his writings that we should be conscious eaters. What I mean by this is that everything that goes into our mouths should have a purpose. For example when you have your breakfast eggs keep in mind that the “egg yolk is the most adequate substance against the diseases that affect the essence of the soul” (257), and surely you will be rewarded for your intention. I mean, honestly, is a twinkie going to do anything for your body or soul? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a rich fudgy brownie from time to time, but I like to think that when I do have one my intention is, right now, I am feeding my soul through chocolate :).

Image Courtsey of : www.coggles.com/store/list/Junk%20Food/129/W

1 comment:

  1. Your way of writing is Amazing..Amazing...AMAZING
