Why is Tamraya Fasting?

Why am I fasting? Simply, I am on a spiritual journey. As cliche as that sounds, I cannot think of a better phrase to explain this moment in my life. It all began a few years back when I took time off from naturopathic medical school for the promise of an adventure in a foreign land. Well--not exactly a foreign land, but rather the country in which my parents were raised; and coincidently, my new husband. It was only supposed to be a six month expedition. However, the six months turned into almost two years, a new found appreciation for the simple things in life, and a new baby.
I spent the first year in almost a state of stupor. I found myself with a lot of time on my hands, pregnant, and alone most days due to my husband's business travels. I can truly say I was sick of my own company. Honestly, How much time does one really need to spend in a state of personal discovery? For me, one year was definitely too much. By the end of the year I was extremely aware of my flaws and idiosyncrases (I was just hoping my husband was not as aware). I could truly say it was one of the hardest years of my life. I could also say, although not knowing this at the time, it was the beginning of my spiritual journey.
Today, two years later, I feel that I am ready to embark on a new phase in my journey. After extensive research (which I will gladly share in the days to come) about the health benefits of fasting, and after compiling many ahadith (narrations of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) about the desired days of fasting; I came to the conclusion that to expedite my spiritual discovery I must fast. Fasting for Muslims, is abstaining from food, drink, and other indulgences from dawn to dusk. In doing so, one is detached from his basic desires, and his heart is more pure and ready for enlightenment. I am not pushing my luck and setting my sight on enlightenment. I just want to be a better person, a better citizen, a better wife, a better mother, and simply, a person who can enjoy her own company.

Days of Fasting

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Mundane

   I hate it when the mundane things in life take over your spiritual time. Without blame on the mundane, it is actually my fault. This week has been hectic. My husband was taking an important exam, my son came down with a cold, and I was completely mesmerized by the after New Year’s sales. I am only human.

   That is the beauty of this spiritual journey I am on. Sometimes I am right on (riding in the wagon), and other times the wagon is not even visible from where I stand. But I realized that fasting has really cured most of my ‘way off track’ moments. On any given week I am fasting at least two days a week. So if the normalcy called life happens, I still have something that keeps me in check. When a fasting day comes along, I am again reminded, that I am here on this earth for a purpose. For me, fasting makes me feel closer to that purpose. When I wake up in the morning to start my fast I know that this act is purely for God and for my spiritual well being. Why else would someone restrict the lawful pleasures of life? I am reminded every second of the day that Allah (swt) has sent us so many blessings and that while going through our routine, we forget. When we break that routine, we begin to realize how lucky we are to even have a routine. I now appreciate the mundane. Simple things like my morning cup of tea and a stroll with my baby through the neighborhood bring so much pleasure. They bring happiness because I know I get reward for appreciating Allah(swt) gifts. The more that I am conscious of my blessings the more I am in touch with my spirituality. One should always be in a state of genuine consciousness whether it is while eating, while interacting with people, or even while relaxing at the end of the day. Your sense of purpose will be that much closer. We all fall off the wagon in search of our purpose, this is normal. Just own it. So next time you see me rummaging through the sale at Bloomingdales, just know that I am probably trying to convince myself that my purpose in life today is to find the perfect sunglasses for my weekend getaway.