Why is Tamraya Fasting?

Why am I fasting? Simply, I am on a spiritual journey. As cliche as that sounds, I cannot think of a better phrase to explain this moment in my life. It all began a few years back when I took time off from naturopathic medical school for the promise of an adventure in a foreign land. Well--not exactly a foreign land, but rather the country in which my parents were raised; and coincidently, my new husband. It was only supposed to be a six month expedition. However, the six months turned into almost two years, a new found appreciation for the simple things in life, and a new baby.
I spent the first year in almost a state of stupor. I found myself with a lot of time on my hands, pregnant, and alone most days due to my husband's business travels. I can truly say I was sick of my own company. Honestly, How much time does one really need to spend in a state of personal discovery? For me, one year was definitely too much. By the end of the year I was extremely aware of my flaws and idiosyncrases (I was just hoping my husband was not as aware). I could truly say it was one of the hardest years of my life. I could also say, although not knowing this at the time, it was the beginning of my spiritual journey.
Today, two years later, I feel that I am ready to embark on a new phase in my journey. After extensive research (which I will gladly share in the days to come) about the health benefits of fasting, and after compiling many ahadith (narrations of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) about the desired days of fasting; I came to the conclusion that to expedite my spiritual discovery I must fast. Fasting for Muslims, is abstaining from food, drink, and other indulgences from dawn to dusk. In doing so, one is detached from his basic desires, and his heart is more pure and ready for enlightenment. I am not pushing my luck and setting my sight on enlightenment. I just want to be a better person, a better citizen, a better wife, a better mother, and simply, a person who can enjoy her own company.

Days of Fasting

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Silence is Golden

  Two ears one mouth. We were told in grade school that this was a sign from God that we should listen more and talk less. Although a commendable quality, most of us don’t follow this school of thought. Everyone desires to be heard, yet we have little interest in listening. A paradox.
   We are encouraged not to engage in excessive talk while fasting. Obviously, one is not going to go throughout the day giving quick responses to questions just to avoid talking. Rather, the point is that maybe we can train ourselves not to misuse our time in vain talk. Being a woman, I am very aware that gossip is the main course at most social events. It is almost a struggle to entertain ourselves with something else. I am not just talking about talk that involves defaming another person. I am speaking of excessive conversations about the latest trends, the newest celebrity couple, or even the 101 annoying traits of our husbands. Even this sort of talk has an effect on our soul and decays our hearts slowly.

That is why when I started my fast I thought of this Hadith Qudsey (I cannot attest to the authenticity of it but, nonetheless, I found it to be inspiring):

In the narration of the Prophet's heavenly journey (Me'raj) the following has been narrated:

"O' Ahmad! Do you comprehend the outcome of fasting? 'No.' Replied the Holy Prophet [s]. 'The outcome of fasting is less eating and less talking.' Replied Allah, then explained the outcome of silence and less speaking as follows:

'The result of silence is wisdom; the result of wisdom is enlightenment; the result of enlightenment is certainty; and when a person attains the Exalted spiritual position of certainty, then he does not care how he starts his day, whether with ease or hardship, and tragedy or comfort. Such is the state of those who have attained the position of content, and whoever attains this position acquires three inseparable characteristics: thanks (shukr) not contaminated with ignorance, invocation, not mixed with forgetfulness and love not mixed with the love of others.'

So maybe enlightenment is not so far away after all.


  1. I would think that if you engaged in beneficial speech that would be encouraged during fasting. Thought I would mention the alternative. Love all your posts! Keep 'em comin'!

  2. all right, Beneficial speech it is.
